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Our Voice in The Community

MC   was founded in 1988 to act as a voice for the residents of the Mono and Mulmur communities in the Central Ontario County of Dufferin.  MC   works principally to protect our rural environment, and to represent the perspectives of our residents to the councils of their respective townships, the County of Dufferin and the Province of Ontario.


Over 25 years of operation we have led many efforts within our community to prevent or change proposed developments, which were perceived to be threats to the way of living that has drawn people to our area for over 150 years. Our principal mandate is to provide our members, and the community at large, with information on what is happening in Mono and Mulmur. In carrying out this mandate, MC   regularly works closely with other community groups in Dufferin.




Our History of Involvement

  • Stopping an inappropriate proposed intensive housing development/golf community on a large rural property in north Mono.


  • Stopping a major water taking operationand leading the effort to install safeguards against future water taking projects.

  • Supporting organizations working to prevent the development of aggregate operations.

MC   has a history highlighted by leading several community driven efforts to alter proposed developments, which were perceived by residents to be significant threats to the type of community that has attracted people to Mulmur and Mono.


This work included: A successful Campaign to stop the proposed amalgamation of Dufferin County, replacing the Towns and Townships with a more centralized municipal government.




These efforts were successful because they rallied large interest within our local and neighboring communities, which went well beyond our membership base. Each one of these projects demonstrated that a group of focused and passionate citizens could have a major impact on what happens in our communities.


Equally important has been our ongoing efforts to keep our members and residents informed through Town Hall Meetings and information events covering a wide range of important topics. We have regularly taken issues to meetings of our local Councils, and on many issues we have addressed detailed concerns to the Provincial Government. While we have not always been successful, we have ensured that local voices have been heard.


Femke Photography



Mono Mulmur Citizens' Coalition

P.O. Box 686 STN Main

Shelburne ON L9V 3M1


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