Our committees are the driving force behind so much of what we do! They provide key services and information to our members and to our communities at large as well as supporting the day to day operation of our organization. MC is always on the lookout for volunteers to work on our committees. While the time commitment is not large, the impact of our committees is strong.
Read about the different opportunities to get involved and email us to indicate which area appeals to you! A great opportunity to make a difference in our community and widen your circle of friends.
Advisory Committee:
Advises the Board on matters of policy
Key link between the Board and the membership
Meets 2-3 times a year
Land Use Committee:
Follows issues of growth and development in Mono, Mulmur and Dufferin County
Organizes public events to provide information and raise awareness
Meets on a regular basis
Website maintenance
Notifications of events and important messages to members via email
Preparation, printing and distribution of our quarterly newsletter
Database maintenance
Council Monitoring
Attend meetings of Mono, Mulmur or County Council meetings on an occasional basis to keep the Board and members advised of important items
Prepare a brief report of a meeting and send to info@monomulmur.com
No regular meetings
Environment Committee:
Follows issues of environmental interest or concern in Dufferin County
Organizes public events to provide information to our members and residentsand raise awareness within the community
Conducts an annual environmental contest in our local schools
Meets on a regular basis